New seminar presentation

Hi all,
Last Saturday I was invited to give a presentation at a Queens University (ON, Canada) community of practice seminar for health science doctoral students. This invitation was the result of one of the seminar organisers attending the Anglia Ruskin Grounded Theory Colloquium that I presented at a while ago.
I discussed with the audience a new methodological development I am working on as a contribution to grounded theory. As not all researchers attending were grounded theorists, I expanded the application to other qualitative research approaches, which resulted in some really good discussions.
I am grateful to the organisers for inviting me. It was nice to see that something new I am working on resonates not just with grounded theorists, but also researchers using other approaches. As with all my academic output, the presentation is available open access via SlideShare, and embedded below. I am always happy to discuss further, so please get in touch if you are interested!
Have a great week,